Winter Is Here

February 27, 2022

That means winter sports and recreation is here. The most popular outdoor activities in my part of the country are skiing, snowboarding, and sledding. Watching football, hockey and of course, watching college basketball on T.V. is a close tie. Skiing is very popular, but very expensive, and the average person only has the opportunity to do this on weekends, but this year we haven’t had any snow yet and the snow they make at the ski resorts has been melting quickly from unusually warm weather we’ve been having this year. It’s been the warmest December on record since 1849, and according to the T.V. weather forecasters it looks like January is going to be the same kind of weather we had in December. From what I am hearing, it is being caused by climate change due to global warming. If this is true, it is very scary. I don’t think it will be the same though, because it has been snowing and the temperature has been in the teens and twenties this entire month so far. This along with the new COVID-19 out-break, gives us all good reason to stay home and get some of the projects done that we have been putting off for a long time. With the ability to shop on line for anything you need including groceries there is no need to venture out. If for some reason you do want to venture out, you need to dress warm, and this year I have seen a lot of new styles of heated coats, jackets, gloves socks and boots. You can get good looking stylish jackets that are heated and even hoodies that are heated. For working outside in the cold or going hunting, or even if you just have to go out and shovel snow, these items can be real lifesavers. They are relatively inexpensive, good looking and definitely warm.

When you go skiing you need special clothing. Clothing that is made special just for skiing. Insulated coats and pants warm gloves and warm hats. Goggles are also strongly advised, especially ones with UV protection against the sun. When the sun shines on the white snow, it can be blinding. Skis with good boot and bindings are a must. You don’t want to end up with a severely damaged body part.

Kids love snow days and no school. Sledding is the most popular thing that kids do on their days off from school because of the snow. Along with sledding is tubing and we can’t forget about snowboarding. These activities also require special or at the least warm clothes, boots, hats and gloves. Of course there is always the hot chocolate with marshmallows to look forward to when they come back in.