Daylight Savings Time

March 13, 2023

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of adjusting clocks forward by one hour during the summer months to extend the amount of daylight available in the evenings. The practice has been adopted by numerous countries around the world, but its origins are often debated. In this essay, we will explore the history of DST, including how, when, and why it began.

The idea of daylight saving time is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote an essay in 1784 titled “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light.” In it, Franklin suggested that people could save money on candles by waking up earlier in the morning and making use of the natural daylight. However, the idea did not gain much traction at the time.

It wasn’t until the late 19th century that DST began to gain serious consideration. In 1895, New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson proposed a two-hour time shift to give him more time to study insects during the summer evenings. However, his proposal was not implemented.

A few years later, in 1905, British builder William Willett independently proposed the idea of DST in a pamphlet titled “The Waste of Daylight.” Willett suggested that the clocks should be moved forward by 80 minutes in April and moved back by the same amount in September to give people more daylight hours to enjoy after work. He spent the next several years campaigning for his idea, but it was not adopted by the British government until 1916, a year after Willett’s death.

Germany was the first country to officially adopt DST in 1916, during World War I, in an effort to conserve coal. Other countries soon followed suit, including the United States, which adopted DST in 1918.

However, DST was not universally adopted and has been the subject of much debate and controversy over the years. During World War II, for example, the United States temporarily extended DST year-round, but the practice was abandoned after the war ended. In the decades that followed, different countries experimented with different DST schedules, with some countries abandoning the practice altogether.

Today, DST is still in use in many countries around the world, though the specific dates and times of the change vary. Some countries have also experimented with different DST schedules, with some opting for year-round DST or even abolishing the practice altogether.

In conclusion, the history of DST is a complex and often debated topic. While the idea of extending daylight hours dates back centuries, it was not until the early 20th century that the concept of DST gained serious consideration. Initially adopted as a wartime measure to conserve resources, DST has since become a regular feature of many countries’ annual calendars. However, it remains a subject of ongoing debate and controversy, with some arguing that the practice is unnecessary or even harmful to health and well-being.